Uncategorized Archives - DiscusWare https://www.discusware.com/category/uncategorized/ Software Development Fri, 14 May 2021 08:42:54 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 https://www.discusware.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/cropped-kisspng-software-web-development-icon-software-png-photos-5a78d023ad0799.1813026015178670437087-32x32.png Uncategorized Archives - DiscusWare https://www.discusware.com/category/uncategorized/ 32 32 Stages of custom software development https://www.discusware.com/stages-of-custom-software-development/ Mon, 08 Feb 2021 07:45:02 +0000 https://www.discusware.com/?p=26 Development is carried out using the most effective methodologies for each specific project, and the methodology is determined and agreed in advance.

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Development is carried out using the most effective methodologies for each specific project, and the methodology is determined and agreed in advance. It can be a classic project approach to development with strict adherence and coordination of stages, or with intermediate control at each stage. In cases where the project involves changing requirements, an Agile approach is used.

The main stages of software development in the classical design approach:

  • Pre-project analysis of the Customer’s business processes. Development of technical documentation
  • Phased development of a software product
  • Testing (functional, load, usability testing)
  • Commissioning and integration with the Customer’s environment. User training
  • Technical support and maintenance

We are ready to provide the development process from the beginning to the end of the project, as well as to take part in the project at any stage to complete certain tasks.

Technologies used

  • We have experience in development based on:
  • Programming languages
  • Database
  • Microsoft software solutions for further customization and revision
  • Application Development

We develop cross-browser web applications, desktop and mobile applications. Development of mobile applications is carried out on the basis of iOS and Android, and desktop applications – on the basis of Windows and Linux.

The post Stages of custom software development appeared first on DiscusWare.
